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MTA Percent for Art Commission

Abstract Futures, a 600-square-foot glass mosaic mural by Hilma’s Ghost will soon be permanently pulling into New York’s Grand Central Station! Hilma’s Ghost has been awarded a prestigious MTA Arts & Design commission for a new subway entrance at the station through a competitive process overseen by a jury of art world professionals.

This new commission fuses magic, abstraction, feminism and more, and plays on the idea of a commuter’s journey through a collection of archetypal abstract symbols used in our collaborative paintings and Tarot Deck. The artwork speaks to the shared experience of every commuter and will provide a dynamic, contemporary experience to support the station rehabilitation. We are thrilled to be working with Stephen Miotto and MTA Arts & Design on this commission, with the unveiling scheduled for May 2025.

In progress fabrication of Abstract Futures glass mosaic, fabricated by Stephen Miotto, all images courtesy of Stephen Miotto

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